For their November 2015 issue, Walter Magazine contacted me about shooting some black and white still lifes of fall produce and I was more than happy to work with them. The shoot concept emerged from an earlier still life I had produced a while back of a Hernandez sweet potato. Walter's art director loved the aesthetic and requested a series of additional images to illustrate what types of foods were actually eaten at the first Thanksgiving celebration.
The November issue of Walter Magazine is available on Raleigh newsstands now and the feature can be seen online at Seen in Raleigh: Thanksgiving still life. Thanks to Walter for the opportunity!
The majority of produce was purchased from the State Farmers Market and shot in my studio on a worn cookie sheet using the wonderful Zeiss Makro-Planar T* 100mm f/2 ZF.2 on my Nikon D800e. Focus-stacking was employed to increase overall sharpness and depth of field.
Also in the November issue is a fantastic write up of Holder Goods & Crafts that includes one of my photos of the space. Holder is the new gallery/shop where I recently had prints from my series Upon Sand on display. It was wonderful to see the feature in Walter as I know the team behind Holder deserves recognition for the excellent job they've done with the shop.
Read the story and see more of my photos of the space online at Spotlight: Holder Goods & Crafts.